Programmer Books

Software Engineering Design: Theory and Practice

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Book Description:

Taking a learn-by-doing approach, Software Engineering Design: Theory and Practice uses examples, review questions, chapter exercises, and case study assignments to provide students and practitioners with the understanding required to design complex software systems. Explaining the concepts that are immediately relevant to software designers, it begins with a review of software design fundamentals.

The text presents a formal top-down design process that consists of several design activities with varied levels of detail, including the macro-, micro-, and construction-design levels. As part of the top-down approach, it provides in-depth coverage of applied architectural, creational, structural, and behavioral design patterns. For each design issue covered, it includes a step-by-step breakdown of the execution of the design solution, along with an evaluation, discussion, and justification for using that particular solution.

The book outlines industry-proven software design practices for leading large-scale software design efforts, developing reusable and high-quality software systems, and producing technical and customer-driven design documentation. It also:

Offers one-stop guidance for mastering the Software Design & Construction sections of the official Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK®)
Details a collection of standards and guidelines for structuring high-quality code
Describes techniques for analyzing and evaluating the quality of software designs
Collectively, the text supplies comprehensive coverage of the software design concepts students will need to succeed as professional design leaders. The section on engineering leadership for software designers covers the necessary ethical and leadership skills required of software developers in the public domain. The section on creating software design documents (SDD) familiarizes students with the software design notations, structural descriptions, and behavioral models required for SDDs.

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