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Book Description:
Master the art of agile single page web application development with ClojureScript About This Book Set up interactive development workflows for the browser or Node.js thanks to the ClojureScript ecosystem Learn the basics of interactive single page web app development taking advantage of the functional nature of ClojureScript Delve into advanced rich web application development concepts such as Om, along with core.async, using zippers and logic programming, and preparing code for production with testing or optimizing via the Google Closure Compiler Who This Book Is For This book is for web application developers who want to benefit from the power of ClojureScript to get an agile and highly productive development platform that targets mainly browser JavaScript. You are not required to be fluent in Clojure, but it will be easier for you if you have a basic understanding of browser and server-side JavaScript. What You Will Learn Understand how the ClojureScript compiler operates Set up interactive development workflows for ClojureScript Grasp the basics of the ClojureScript language, including basic syntax, data structures, variable scoping, namespaces, and finally the powerful sequence abstraction Delve into advanced concepts such as functional programming, macro writing, asynchronous programming, app routing, and real-time web Develop simple one page web applications Explore techniques to make your web apps aware of the external world through external or embedded database access or Oauth 2 integration Learn more advanced ClojureScript concepts like in app routing, real-time web Prepare your work for production, getting insights into optional type-checking, writing portable Clojure/ClojureScript code, and testing In Detail Clojure is an expressive language that makes it possible to easily tackle complex software development challenges. Its bias toward interactive development has made it a powerful tool, enabling high