Learning BeagleBone PDF Download for free:
Book Description:
The BeagleBone is a microboard computer that offers all the possibilities of a larger PC in a miniaturized package. By learning embedded Linux for the BeagleBone, you can get started on the road to utilizing the power of the board to achieve its full potential.
This book covers right from unboxing, showing you the absolute basics of using your new BeagleBone to give you the knowledge you need to be a responsible BeagleBone owner and to integrate the microboard into your projects. Begin by learning about the software behind your purchase before moving on to your first simple project on building an LED flasher using the LEDs on the BeagleBone itself.
Get to grips with connecting and controlling your BeagleBone from a mobile device, practical guidance on hooking up simple hardware and toys to your BeagleBone, and troubleshooting tips on what to do when things go wrong.
Finally, learn the advanced topics such as real-time programming with the BeagleBone to get its full potential and connect it to expansion boards. By the end of the book, you’ll know everything you need to get out and play!