Book Description
If you’re looking for a book that can help you to build amazing web applications, this is the book for you! Aimed at people who have some experience with Laravel, this cookbook has your back!
There are many proven code rich recipes for working with Laravel. Each recipe includes practical advice, tips, and tricks for working with jQuery, AJAX, JSON, API, data persistence, complex
application structure, modular PHP, testing, deployment and more.
Think about this book as a collection of all premium Laravel tutorials or the successor to the popular Learning Laravel 5 book.
Laravel 5 Cookbook also includes tested code that you can download and reuse in your own applications. You’ll save time, learn more about Laravel and other related technologies in the process.
We also have a forum for discussion and debate. You can freely ask any questions, provide your valuable feedback and help others.
It’s time to discover Laravel more!
The projects in this book are intended to help people who have grasped the basics of PHP and HTML to move forward, developing more complex projects, using Laravel advanced techniques.
The fundamentals of the PHP and Laravel are not covered, you will need to:
- Read Learning Laravel 5 book. (optional)
- Have a basic knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS and Laravel.
- Love Laravel.
What You Will Get
- Lifetime access to the online book. (Premium Only)
- Digital books: PDF, MOBI, EPUB (Premium Only)
- Full source code (Premium Only)
- Access new chapters of the book while it’s being written (Premium Only)
- A community of 20000+ students learning together.
- Amazing bundles and freebies to help you become a successful developer.
- iPhone, iPad and Android Accessibility.