Programmer Books

Kubernetes Up and Running

Kubernetes Up and Running

Kubernetes Up and Running

Kubernetes Up and Running: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure

Legend has it that Google deploys over a billion application containers a week. How is that possible? The company decided to share the process through an open source project called Kubernetes, which replicates many of the features found in its internal system. This practical book will prepare you to take advantage of everything the Kubernetes platform has to offer.

Rather than an exact copy of its internal Borg system, Kubernetes is an upgrade based on lessons Google learned over the last decade. Kubernetes is also designed to integrate with the most robust container ecosystem: Docker. Developers and Ops practitioners can easily deploy a demo Kubernetes environment and kick the tires, but when it comes time to scale to hundreds of nodes, you’re going to need a reliable field guide.

Kubernetes: Up and Running will help you:

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