The three books in the Java series aim to give the learner a deep understanding of the Standard Edition (SE) Application Programming Interface (API) of the Java programming language. The series begins with an introduction to the basic concepts of Java objects and concludes with an exploration of the development of Java programmes that employ a graphical user interface to the business logic of a Java application.
Object-Oriented Programming: What is an Object?
- Introduction to Objects
- Comparison of OOP and Non-OOP
- Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA & D)
A First Java Programme: From Class Diagram to Source Code
- Introduction
- The Class Diagram for the Member Class
- The Java Source Code for the Member Class
- Using Member Objects
- Summary
Language Basics: Some Syntax and Semantics
- Introduction
- Identifiers
- Primitive Data Types
- Variables
- Operators
- Summary
Methods: Invoking an Object’s Behavior
- How do we get Data Values into a Method?
- How do we get Data Values out of a Method?
- Method Overloading
- The Structure of a Typical Class Definition
Classes and Objects: Creating and Using Objects
- Invoking an Object’s Constructor
- Object Construction and Initialisation of an Object’s State
- Overloading Constructors
- Initialisation Blocks
Collecting Data I
- An Introduction to Arrays
- Arrays as Data Structures
- Declaring Arrays
- Creating Arrays
- Populating Arrays
- Accessing Array Elements
- Arguments Passed to the main Method