This book is the fifth in a series of books on software development in Java. The subjects of this book are about files and how you in Java can manipulate files. Java defines two API’s for IO: java.io and java.nio, and the book treats both API’s. Furthermore, the book treats data representation and the binary operations, and the book has an appendix, which gives a brief introduction to the binary and hexadecimal numbers.
- Introduction 8
- java.io 10
- Files 10
- Exercise 1 16
- Random access files 17
- Problem 1 33
- Byte streams 37
- Exercise 2 47
- Exercise 3 49
- Exercise 4 49
- Object serialization 50
- Character streams 62
- Problem 2 65
- Text scanner 74
- Exercise 5 76
- java.nio 78
- Buffers 79
- Channels 97
- Path and Files 112
- Operations on simple data types 127
- The integers 127
- Exercise 6 131
- Exercise 7 135
- Problem 3 136
- Problem 4 143
- Exercise 8 145
- Exercise 9 148
- Exercise 10 149
- Final example 150
- The model 153
- The user interface 157
- The dialog box 160