This book is a continuation to Java 14 and together the two books give a good background for using JavaFX. The current book has focused on JavaFX properties and data bindings, but also treats the basic architecture of a JavaFX application as Model-View-Presenter. Other important topics are advanced controls like TableView and TreeView and also topics like drag-and-drop, charts, and 3D graphics are treated.
- Introduction
- JavaFX properties
- Binding properties
- Observable collections
- Binding observable collections
- Binding persons
- The screen
- Decorations
- Modality
- Advanced controls
- TableView
- Edit cells in a TableView
- Filters
- A TreeView control
- A TreeView with Country objects
- A TreeTableView
- A TreeTableView, an extended example
- Drag and drop
- Simple press-drag-release gesture
- Full press-drag-release gesture
- Drag-and-drop gesture
- User defined controls
- A LabelField
- A Canvas
- A Spinner
- JavaFX and concurrency
- A Task
- A Service
- 3D Shapes
- Box, Sphere and Cylinder
- Material
- Draw mode
- Cull face
- Camera and Light
- A last remark
- Charts
- Final Example
- Development
- A simple prototype
- Drawing the axes
- Settings for the coordinate system
- Drawing a function from a formal
- The program architecture
- Drawing a plot
- Refactoring the expression dialog
- Implementing the Functions menu
- Implementing the Zoom menu
- Implementing the Edit menu
- Implementing the Calculations menu
- Implementing the File menu
- A final iteration
- A last remark