Getting Started with Grunt: The JavaScript Task RunnerPDF Download for free:
Book Description:
In recent times, modern web browsers have become the application platform of choice. Grunt, along with its wide range of plugins, provides a simple way of managing the large number of build tasks required to maintain a sophisticated web application.
Getting Started with Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner provides you with all the information you need to become an effective Grunt power-user. You will quickly learn how to install, configure, and run Grunt. You will go on to understand how to use third-party Grunt and then create your own Grunt tasks that cater to your particular needs.
This book first demonstrates various Grunt use cases before running through the steps of installing, configuring, running, and customizing Grunt. You will learn how to install Node.js, the Node.js package manager (npm), and Grunt. Then, you will understand how to set up and configure a personalized Grunt environment. Next, you will look at the various methods of running and customizing Grunt to utilize its flexibility. Finally, to emphasise what has been learnt, you will see a complete example build of a web application.
Getting Started with Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner will enable you to create your very own Grunt environments from scratch and fully utilize Grunt’s large feature set to effectively solve your custom requirements.
What You Will Learn
- Learn about Grunt and its advantages
- Understand Node.js and how it relates to Grunt
- Take an in-depth look at npm, Node.js modules, and the working of Grunt plugins
- Get familiar with installing Grunt and setting up your first Grunt build environment
- Gain insight on the methods of configuring Grunt and when each method should be used
- Effectively execute Grunt through the use of task arguments, task aliasing, multi-task targets, and more
- Construct your own Grunt tasks, multi-tasks, and asynchronous tasks