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The Essential Guide to Scaling Your Business Solution
Written by Oracle ACE Director and MySQL expert Ronald Bradford, with coauthor Chris Schneider, Effective MySQL: Replication Techniques in Depth describes what is needed to understand and implement MySQL replication to build scalable solutions. This book includes detailed syntax examples to demonstrate the features, options, and limitations of native MySQL replication. Providing an evaluation of various new replication features and additional third-party product implementations, this Oracle Press guide helps to ensure your MySQL environment can support the various high-availability needs of your business.
- Master the strengths and limitations of native asynchronous replication in a MySQL topology
- Identify the important features to improve replication for growing business requirements
- Recognize the key business factors to determine your optimal high-availability needs
- Understand the benefits of using MySQL replication for failover scenarios
- Identify the key configuration variables and SQL commands affecting master/ slave replication
- Learn about the advancements in replication techniques provided by new products, including Tungsten Replicator and Galera
- Optimize your replication management with various utilities and toolkits
Find additional detailed information and presentations at EffectiveMySQL.com.