Laravel is a clean and well-structured web framework for PHP development. According to its author, Laravel is “The PHP framework for Web artisans” (Laravel official website, homepage, cited 25.10.2015)
Over years, PHP gained the bad reputation because of many badly written websites. PHP is an easy-to-learn language, and it was designed mainly for small websites. The name “PHP” originally came from the term “Personal home page” (PHP official website, History of PHP, cited 25.10.2015). However, in the past
couple of years, PHP has been evolved to bring many modern new features such as namespace, traits and a de facto package manager: Composer.
“Laravel decided to hop on the shoulder of giants and embrace these pre-existing mature components.” (Martin Bean, Laravel 5 Essentials, page 3)
Laravel is also built on top of Symfony HTTP foundation, which is a solid, flexible and testable HTTP foundation for PHP application. Besides Laravel, the latest version of Drupal, phpBB, and other open sources projects also use Symfony HTTP foundation as an essential part of their core (Projects using Symfony). Moreover, Laravel also leverages other Symfony components and several various popular PHP libraries such as SwiftMailer, Carbon, Doctrine. etc. (Packagist: The PHP Package Repository, The Laravel Framework, cited 20.11.2015)
Basically, Laravel is a fully MVC-compliant framework (Maks Surguy, History of Laravel PHP framework, Eloquence emerging, cited 21.04.2015). It comprises all necessary components for an MVC web framework and highly configurable. The framework comes along with Eloquent, a simple ORM and blade templating
language that helps developers build a website in a shorter time and less effort.