Book Description:
Build your very own 2D physics-based game engine simulation system for rigid body dynamics. Beginning from scratch, in this book you will cover the implementation technologies, HTML5 and JavaScript; assemble a simple and yet complete fundamental mathematics support library; define basic rigid body behaviors; detect and resolve rigid body collisions; and simulate collision responses after the collisions.
In this way, by the end of Building a 2D Game Physics Engine, you will have an in‐depth understanding of the specific concepts and events, implementation details, and actual source code of a physics game engine that is suitable for building 2D games or templates for any 2D games you can create and can be played across the Internet via popular web‐browsers.
- Gain an understanding of 2D game engine physics and how to utilize it in your own games
Describe the basic behaviors of rigid bodies
- Detect collisions between rigid bodies
- Resolve interpretations after rigid body collisions
- Model and implement rigid body impulse responses
Who This Book Is For