Book Description:
What’s part PDA, part smartphone, and part media player? Your BlackBerry, naturally! Whether it’s the popular Pearl, the sleek Curve, or the hardworking 8800, your BlackBerry handheld device is loaded with features to make your life easier—if you can figure out how to use them.
BlackBerryFor Dummies,2nd Edition comes to the rescue with just what you need to know to get the most from this amazing device. It covers the newest BlackBerry models and all the latest developments, like SureType vs. QWERTY keyboards and the new trackball navigation method. You’ll discover how to set up your BlackBerry as a full-fledged PDA, but also how to use the camera, play music and videos, make phone calls, and know where you are with GPS. BlackBerryFor Dummies, 2nd Edition shows you how to:
- Surf the Web and send and receive e-mail
- Keep your calendar, contacts, and to-do list
- Make your BlackBerry a mobile mini-office
- Sync data with your desktop
- Install a MicroSD card for extra memory
- Watch movies and listen to music
- Let your BlackBerry double as a laptop modem
- Protect your personal information
- Use your BlackBerry almost anywhere in the world
Because the BlackBerry world changes so quickly, BlackBerryFor Dummies, 2nd Edition features a companion Web site that maintains the latest news and updates, so you’ll always be up to date. It’s a pretty sweet deal!