This book is the fourth in a series of books on software development in Java. This book has the primary focus on Java and numerous of details regarding Java as an object-oriented programming language. The book presents techniques that can help to ensure the development of robust and maintenance-friendly programs, but also techniques needed to know in order to develop robust programs in a modern programming language.
- Introduction
- Wrapper classes
- Exercise 1
- Strings
- StringBuilder
- StringTokenizer
- Problem 1
- Regular expressions
- Exercise 2
- Inner classes
- Iterators
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Example: ZipCodes
- Enumerations
- Exercise 5
- Problem 2
- Exception handling
- Checked exceptions
- Unchecked exceptions
- Exercise 6
- Generic types
- Exercise 7
- More on parameters
- Exercise 8
- Raw classes
- Generic methods
- Exercise 9
- Problem 3
- Bound parameter types
- Exercise 10
- Generic types and inheritance
- Lambda expressions
- Anonymous classes
- Methods as parameters
- Examples of lambda expressions
- Java functional interfaces
- Event handlers
- Collection classes
- Overview of the collection classes
- ArrayList
- LinkedList
- Exercise 10
- Problem 3
- HashSet
- TreeSet
- Exercise 11
- HashMap and TreeMap
- PriorityQueue
- Exercise 12
- The algorithms
- Exercise 12
- Annotation
- Packages
- Final example
- The task
- Analysis
- Design
- Programming
- Test
- The last step