CSS Framework Alternatives [PDF]

CSS Framework
CSS Framework

Book Description:

Learn how to use lightweight CSS framework alternatives to build intuitive websites. This book presents five project examples that use Skeleton, Miligram, UI Kit, Material Design Lite and Susy.

This no-nonsense introduction will help you understand the concept of designing interactive websites using these frameworks with ease. Each framework is demonstrated through a practical project in an easy-to-understand manner.

Web design is streamlined nowadays thanks to CSS frameworks and, although Bootstrap and Foundation rule the roost with web design, you don’t need an exhaustive framework like these for smaller websites. You’ll get a glimpse into additional front-end frameworks which basically are pre-prepared packages containing a structure of files and folders of HTML and CSS documents (some with JavaScript functions) that help designers and developers build interactive and immersive websites.

What You’ll Learn

  • Delve deeper into the world of CSS designs
  • Create interactive and immersive webpages with UI Kit, Material Design Life, and Susy
  • Build a landing webpage with Skeleton
  • Design a product page for a Secure VPN product with Milligram

Who This Book Is For

Readers who are familiar with basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and experienced web designers who aren’t familiar with frameworks other than Bootstrap or Foundation.


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