Wildfly Performance Tuning


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Book Description:

The hugely successful JBoss Application Server has been updated and is now called WildFly. This cutting edge technology provides a free JEE-certified platform for the software of today and tomorrow. Learning to tune such a platform for optimal performance is vital for a healthy business organization, efficient development, and the smooth running of operations.

This practical book explores how to tune one of the leading open source application servers in its latest reincarnation. In this book, you will learn what performance tuning is and how it can be performed on WildFly and the JVM using solely free and open source tools and utilities.

Learn about various free tools for performance monitoring and tuning, all focused on making them work with WildFly. The tuning journey ventures through the landscape of the major JEE technologies, EJB, Servlets, JPA, JSF, and JMS. Discover best practices for the internal high-performing web container Undertow, WebServices, and REST services so that you end your journey feeling confident in tuning WildFly for optimal performance.

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